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4Down 1Up - Devon Smillie and Matt Roe On The Couch

9 years ago
DIG BMX have released Devon Smillie and Matt Roe's on the couch video where they talk about their experience with the 4Down 1Up video contest they were apart of! All we know is that we cannot wait for you to see their full video!

"We've been posting a ton of behind-the-scenes photos from 4Down 1Up on our Instagram over the past few weeks and it's nearly time for you to see the end result! After each 4Down 1Up session we got the teams On The Couch to get a little insight into the project and our third round of interviews is with none other than Team Smillie. Devon Smillie and Matt Roe talk English breakfasts, hitting the ceiling of the 4Down park, and dressing up for their video intro. The full edits will be released week beginning April 27th when you'll have your chance to vote for your favourite on Make sure you vote and you'll have a chance to win a big ol' bag of parts and prizes!"

